


Chicken dinner! Here we are! Thank you all so, so much for your kind words about this giveaway! It was so much fun for me to read through all of the great comments and explore some of YOUR favorites! Speaking of which, my hubby was reading through the comments at work earlier int he week and kept seeing "ATG gun." Not knowing what it was (and seeing that everyone has one but me... lol), he googled it and ordered oen for me! Isn't he the sweetest. He tried to keep it a suprise, but he can't keep secrets... haha!

So...... who wants to know who won the big prize? tells me that the winner is #22! 

And #22 is............... SUE ANN!

Here's her super sweet comment:

 Sue Ann said... WOW girly girl you are really rolling out the red carpet ...... Congrats on the 100th post and all the great personal goals you are meeting as well.

So my need to haves are

PTI card stock ribbon and buttons
Zip Dry
Foam tape
TH Distressing ink
PTI dies
Bling bling
Oh and my notebook binders for my PTI stamps ....... I so do not like CD cases ....... i break them too easily!!

Great give away Steph!!!

Thanks for a chance to win :)

Thanks you all so, so much for stopping by and leaving me love! I truly appreciate your kind words! Sue Ann- shoot me an e-mail or PM with your mailing address so I can get your package out to you!


  1. Congrats Sue Ann!! (You lucky girl!) Enjoy your new goodies!! Thanks Steph, again for a great giveaway!

  2. Congratulations Sue Ann, you are going to have some awesome goodies to keep you crafting for a LONG time. Have a blast with them. And Stephanie that is so awesome that your husband ordered you an ATG. What a sweetheart!

  3. Congratulations Sue Ann! :)
    And I think hubby is definite keeper for such a sweet gesture...
    it's adorable that he tried!

  4. Congrats, Sue Ann!!! You have lots to create with that stash! And, Steph.......again, you were so generous with your prize!!! Congrats on all that blogging!

  5. A late congrats on your 100 posts, Steph!

  6. Congrats, Sue Ann, you lucky duck you! Have so much fun playing with your goodies! Thanks again, Steph, for a super 100th post celebration! And bonus points for hubby on the ATG gun! ;-D

  7. OMG ....... I never win anything and this is for sure a GREAT WIN!!! Maybe we should plan a stamp date and you can drive it here :) xoxox

  8. Congrats Sue Ann! Lucky lucky lady! Have fun!

  9. Congrats Sue Ann and Steph on your 100 posts too. Bonus points to hubby for his ATG gun gift :)

  10. I just saw this in my reader again and got all excited ...... so I thought I would come back and tell you too!!

  11. Yay! Mr. Washburn you done good! ;) How fun, congrats to all the winners!


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